Concepts and Designs by Josh Voltin

Designs Done in Photoshop

Picture Blending

Statue of Liberty

This image is a simple blending of two separate patriotic images, the statue of liberty and a bald eagle, into one image done in Photoshop. This work made use of the feathering feature in photoshop as well as the opacity adjustment on layers.

Game Advertisement

And add for a skateboard game

This image was concieved as an ad for some kind of skateboarding, x-games type of event. The text is just placeholder to help visualize what text would look like on this ad. This ad also uses the blending techniques in the first image, but also adds text which is a big factor when designing advertisements.

Video Game Collage

A collection of Video Game Images

This "ad" is just a fun little collage of various video-game images put together with blending techniques and overlaying various text boxes.